Saturday, May 11, 2013

Lesson from a Garage Sale


Have you ever been to a garage sale? Most people reading this blog would answer, "Oh ya" Have you ever had a garage sale? The answers would vary depending on the age of the person and possibly where they are from. 

Garage sales have been a part of the Cowman tradition for many years. I think that we have had a sale for the last 8 years running. I usually initiate the annual event by picking the date and rallying the troops to gather up some of the treasure found in closets and the storage room.

We have never gotten rich from any of our sales nor have we really created more space in our storage but many memories and lessons have been learned through the years that make it a priceless annual family activity. Here are a few lessons we were able to pass onto our girls this year.

Two Ambitious Sales Representatives
Micheala learned that there are a lot of old men that go garage "saleing". I think that is hilarious !!! So all you guys out there who do not like that your wife goes... it may be your destiny. She also discovered that rainy days create opportunities to be patient and not to close the sale just because it is cold.

Meredith gained insight on how to speak to people. She was a great sales person and her skills were honed. Money is something that many teens do not have to manage. They usually spend the money that they are given or earned. Meredith enjoyed operating the register (which I have provided a pic for you).  Exchanging money is a great skill to learn.

Madison shared with me in her normal insightful fashion. She said, "I am learning that things come and go but what is important is the people you are with", Hmmm.... from the mouth of teens. She went on to say that we live with much more than we need or find useful. I guess that should help us on the purchasing end, right?? We will see.

After all these years, I still can't believe I have three daughters. They are now teenagers and I am loving my time with them. Experiencing different activities and providing opportunities for the girls to learn and grow thrills me. You may want to consider the everyday things to teach the everyday things.

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