Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cherish the Moments

It goes by so fast! I have heard that statement over and over again by countless parents. I made it my goal a long time ago not to be the person who would live with the regret of not maximizing my time with my kids while they live in our home. Regret is horrible!

Mich and Maddy
In making the decision to maximize my time with my kids, I have had to pass on a variety opportunities that have come my way, and have taken advantage of others. Soccer is something that I shared with Matt from the beginning of his career until the end. Mich and Maddy both play now, and I have the awesome privilege of coaching them. In no way have I regretted that decision! I am very proud of all they have accomplished on the soccer field and I look forward to summer soccer, which is only three weeks away.

My advice to any parent is to build into your child's life from beginning to end. Life is rich when you are close to your kids, no matter what their ages are!

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