Monday, October 5, 2020

Quincy, Illinois..... A Great Place to Be


Quincy, Illinois is a great place to live. Moving to our new home 17 years ago was frightening for our young family of six. We soon found out why it had retained the name the Gem City. I think the three things that stand out most to me are the 3 P's.

People We have been able to establish many lifelong friendships during our time here. These individuals took us in from the very beginning and have been a support to our family through each season. People from the midwest are hard-working, honest, and caring. This has given us a place to point our children to for examples to look up to.  These people are in every sector of the community, from educators to farmers, from doctors to mechanics and everything in between.

Proximity Quincy is the most well laid out community I know. My life is not spent in a car or in long lines of traffic. You can be anywhere in Quincy in ten minutes. For a person who is incredibly time conscious, I save hours a week simply by not being tied up in traffic. The city is so well laid out. It is easy to navigate, with many main arteries that connect key locations from all four directions. The forefathers even got the naming of the streets right, providing easily remembered patterns.  

Park systems Anyone who has lived in Quincy for any time, realizes that the park system is outstanding. The park district has so much to offer families and individuals. Walking trails, playgrounds, and ball fields are in abundance. Quincy has made a large investment in its infrastructure and the citizens are the benefactors.

These are just a few things that stand out to me. Quincy is a special place. I would encourage you to look at the city through the lens of gratitude. 

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